A child will not be permitted to remain in the school with a temperature above 100° or with obvious symptoms of illness. It is recommended that you keep your child home when he/she is not feeling well. It is particularly important when he/she has acute cold symptoms…very runny nose and/or cough.
The following immunizations are required by the state of New Jersey and the Ocean County Board of Health for children who attend a state licensed preschool. 4 doses DTaP, 3 doses Polio, 1 dose MMR, 2 doses Hib, 1 dose Varicella, 2 doses PCV, 1 dose seasonal influenza. Medical and Religious exemptions must have proper documentation and be submitted to the preschool office.
Dispensing Medication:
Our school does not staff a nurse. However emergency medications, such as epipens and asthma inhalers will be administered.
The proper documentation or dispensing emergency medication must be completed prior to the beginning of the school year.